Culturs Central Recap

By: Jolie Chene

Since October, students of the PRSSA chapter at Central Michigan University have been working on bringing the magazine, Culturs, to CMU’s campus. Our goal was to bring Culturs Magazine to the attention of students who would benefit from it.

At CMU there is a large audience of international students. We decided this would be the best group to spread the mission of this magazine with. Throughout our implementation period we worked to get in touch with and hear the stories of international professors and students here on campus. 

We worked with the International Student Organization to have a cultural workshop. During this time students shared their stories and struggles of being a third culture adult and a student in a brand new culture. We learned from them about resources on campus, their home cultures, different education systems and much more. During this workshop we got the chance to learn first hand what it is like to be a third culture adult on our campus and in America.

Our team was also divided to interview many international professors and students at CMU and share their stories. They shared about culture shock, moving to a new country, past jobs and working in other countries. These interviews allowed us to get real stories and experiences from third culture adults and to get a better understanding on what it is really like.

Throughout these past few months we got the chance to learn and fully appreciate a variety of other cultures and get a better understanding of the culture shock and transitions that third culture kids and adults go through. We got the chance to spread Culturs Magazine to an audience that benefits from it while also gaining knowledge about new cultures. In addition to spreading the message of Culturs across CMU’s campus, we also spread awareness of what international students and professors go through to be a part of our community and culture of CMU.

Posted on March 3, 2024 and filed under Culturs Blogs.